ZJS100 ROV Dredge Pump
The new high performance ZJS100 dredge and jet pump for ROV use
is now entering production.
This is a 4" suction unit suitable for use on modern high
powered work class ROVs. Provided the ROV can supply the power demand
the 4" suction units have considerable advantages over the
3" units that have been used for many years. This unit can
only be effectively operated by the most powerful work class ROVs.
The unit benefits from the 30 years of experience built up from
long before the design and build of the first ZIP89 Zip Pump twelve
years ago. In particular a new impeller design created as part of
the AZ20 Suction Anchor Pump development gives a wide dredging performance
range both with and without the simultaneous jetting capability
The pump can be operated as a suction excavator dredging pump and
use the disruptor jet nozzle at the same time.
Part of the impeller design benefits from the pre-swirl inlet filter
which also removes the need for a separate power water strainer.
The arrangement minimises hose runs for installation on the ROV.
Data Sheet ZJS100.

Design History of the Dredge Pumps.
The managing director of AMITS has personal experience of dredging
going back over thirty years. That experience started as a diver
using airlifts and the first of the diver held eductor pumps which
in those days were powered by the ubiquitous Coventry Climax fire
pumps. The experience continued with the design and build of a dredge
unit powered by the hydraulic power pack of the Mobile Diving Unit
on board the MSV Tharos. Continued involvement in drill cutting
removal studies during the latter 1980s brought knowledge of all
of the different types of dredge pumps systems available for deep
water use.
Before the creation of the first ZipPump the standard practice
was to build up ROV dredge pump systems which were comprised of
separate components brought together in a skid. A typical dredge
system is shown below. This particular unit was designed and manufactured
by Submarine Technology Ltd and supplied to Ametek. Other skid systems
were created by Genflo and Circle Offshore.
The Zip Pump which was conceived, designed and developed by R Q
Martin of DeersHill Engineeering Ltd. and marketed by Tritech International
Ltd. was a radical departure from the current practice and produced
a lightweight unitised pump system. Compact unitised design has
been the hallmark of R Q Martin for many years before Deershill
and later AMITS. The prototype Zip Pump is shown to the right.

Submarine Technology Ltd Dredge Skid System

Diagram of Submarine Technology Ltd Dredge Skid